5 Mistakes You Might Be Making On Invoices

When you send out your invoices, the last thing you want to do is confuse your customers. The invoice should be easy to read and understand so that they know what it’s for and when it needs to be paid. Below we will take a look at some common mistakes people make on their invoices and how you can set them right!

Crpytic Invoice Items

Your customer is likely to be confused if you use strange words and abbreviations on your invoice, especially when it comes to payment. Make sure that all of the wording on the invoice is clear and easy to understand. For instance, do not write ‘instalment’ or ‘account number’ when you could use ‘payment’ and ‘reference number’.

Don't Be Vague

It is also important to include the correct details on your invoices, such as: who you are and what they bought from you. If you don’t put this information on there, your customers might think that it is a bill for something they didn’t order. Also consider splitting up your invoice items, giving the customer a breakdown of the services you provided.

Multiple Payment Methos

Always have away for an invoice to be paid by cheque or bank transfer available for customers who do not use credit cards. This will help to ensure that you receive payment in the correct way and on time.

Corect Address

When you are filling in your customer’s address, make sure that it is correct before you send out the invoice to them. Not only will this avoid any possible delays with getting paid but could also lead to mistakes. For example, if you use an old address for a customer then they might not receive their invoice.

Additional Service Charges

Another common mistake people make when sending out invoices is to add up all the amounts on the invoice and add a 5% service charge. This might seem like a good way of adding in your profit margins but it could infuriate customers who then might not pay at all rather than just querying what they paid for with someone else or claiming that they could have gone elsewhere to get it cheaper.

There you have some of the most common mistakes people make when sending out invoices, along with how you can put them right! If you found this article interesting then why not check out our other blogs on everything from business advice to computer tips and tricks. If you need any help with invoicing then why not register for an account with Workbench Accounting and use our free invoice tool.